Selasa, 17 Maret 2020


Personal Letter

~Personal Letter~

Dear Imelda🌸

I have known Imelda for year and a half. Initially i did not know him, but since the rolling bench i began to get familiar with it. Imelda sat behind my bench at that time. Imelda and I began to get along better. We often do assignments together, tell stories, and joke together. During class, Imelda asked me to sit together. Finally, we sat down on a bench. Imelda has a good personality, she is kind, beautifull, smart, and friendly. We are getting more and more familiar. Sometimes, we share goods or vomplaints. We sometimes fight just a trivial matter but we make it right again.

Syafira putri🌼

~Cause and effect~


Many species from polution. There are water pollution, ground pollution, air pollution. We know that, this problem make our self felling afraid. Because, the water is main source of human life. If there is not water then humans will have trouble drink, washing clothes, a shower, and so forth. Why it can happen? Certainly comes from the human activity like throw waste into the river. 

Second is ground polution. Not much different with water pollution, ground pollution also caused by human activity like the use of pestisida excessive force that can be destructive to soil fertility.

Thirt is air polution. Air polution is caused from the carbondioxide excessive so that the number of oxygen dismissed because of the trees are the there. In addition, the sewage factory also be a major factor air pollution this so can make humans trouble breathing and can be stricken with asthma.



A tornado is a violent storm. It has strong winds that whirl around in a funnel shape. It can sound like a freight train or a jet. Rain, hail, high winds, and lightning often come with a tornado. It is hard to predict when tornado will strike. Luckily, a tornado only lasts about ten minutes. Twisters and whirlwinds are other names for tornadoes.
Tornadoes can start when a mass of warm air hits a mass of cold air. A huge thundercloud forms and rain pours down. Warm, moist air from the ground rises up towards the cloud. Cold, dry air mixes with this warmer air. This creates a churning wind.
Next, an updraft is formed when more warm air rushes in. This updraft sucks air away from the ground. It also makes the wind flip into a vertical funnel. This funnel stretches down and scoots along the ground. As the swirling winds pick up dirt from the ground, the funnel grows darker.
The twisting wind of a tornado causes serious damage. A tornado’s funnel is like a giant vacuum cleaner. It sucks up anything on the ground it touches. Tornadoes can lift vehicles, cut power lines, and tear off roofs. They can ruin crops and other vegetation. Even the weakest tornadoes have severe effects. They can destroy chimneys, roof shingles, satellite dishes, and tree branches. The worst tornadoes can flatten trees and crush metal buildings. Flying debris also causes much damage. People can be hurt or killed by a tornado strike.